flower garden
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Gardening is a rewarding hobby but it can be frustrating if your precious collection keeps dying off! The fact is, the more plants you grow, the more plants you will kill.

Dealing with dying plants is a part of gardening because not all plants are created equally! That’s why it pays to start your gardening journey with low-maintenance, can’t-kill-plants especially if you have a brown thumb!

Hardy plants can tolerate severe weather conditions and changing climates. These plants do not require regular watering and they can survive poor soil conditions. Some can’t-kill-plants could even survive partial or total shade. If you are new to gardening and you’d like to reduce the number of plants dying under your care, fill your garden with these hardy plants:

Butterfly Bush

vegetable garden greenhouse
Image by:pixabay

If you want to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden all season long, try growing butterfly bush. This hardy shrub releases a fruit aroma that butterflies and hummingbirds find irresistible!

The blooms also secrete sweet nectar that lures garden-friendly critters. The butterfly bush makes a great plant for garden borders thanks to its rugged trunk and thick foliage that arches with time.

This plant loves the full sun and well-drained soil. It's quite disease and pest-resistant although keep an eye out for fungal infections. To care for butterfly bushes, just water slowly and deeply during the summer season and go easy on the fertilizer unless the soil condition is poor. Remove the spent flower spikes as often as possible to encourage new shoots and flower buds.


Daffodils are not only known for their sweetly scented blooms that come in different colors, they are tough as nails too. These plants are so easy to grow and are surprisingly pest-resistant to boot.

Daffodils love the full sun but can tolerate partial shade or filtered light! During the spring season, daffodils need an inch of water per week but in the summer, daffodils could withstand a bit of neglect.

Daffodils are grown in bulbs during the fall season. They are available in different types and each type come in with different sizes and shapes. Daffodils are the perfect plants to grow for aspiring gardeners looking to add variety and color to their garden.

Daily Lily

vegetable garden greenhouse
Image by:pixabay

This striking perennial plant is one of the best plants to grow if you are a new gardener. It's so hardy, daily lily grows on the side of the road. Hey, it’s not called ditch weed for nothing!

Daily lily is known for its beautiful blooms but the flowers only last a day, hence the name. If you want the plants to bloom continuously, we recommend growing different varieties of daily lilies. Some varieties offer continuous re-blooming.

Daily Lily could tolerate poor soil conditions thanks to its thick, fleshy roots. Its vigorous growth habits mean the daily lily thrives even in the harshest of climates.

Daily lily loves the full sun but it will do well in shady conditions too. Newly planted daily lilies need well-drained soil and organic fertilizer but once they have been established, daily lilies become drought-resistant.

Russian Sage

This tall, wispy plant may look delicate but don't be deceived! This perennial plant does not require much maintenance and it is easy to grow too! Russian sage loves the full sun and requires little care. It can tolerate infrequent watering and it will survive clay soil.

This shrub makes the perfect addition to summer and fall gardens with its aromatic foliage and graceful leaves. Russian sage may be bushy, but it doesn't require frequent pruning either. It’s often planted in masses to add texture and color to bare or bland gardens.


Sedum is a versatile perennial that comes in many sizes, shapes, and colors to choose from. This plant can be grown in a container garden but it does better when planted in the ground. This plant is known for its dense, standout foliage that comes in many shades including bright chartreuse to deep, almost black.

Extremely drought resistant, sedum could withstand harsh heat and poor soil conditions. It can even survive years without dividing, mulching, or deadheading. The only thing to remember when growing sedum is to avoid overwatering the plant.

Just like succulents, too much water could drown the sedum and cause the leaves to rot. In addition, place the plant in a spot that gets a lot of sun. Setting this plant in a shady spot may lead to dull-looking foliage.

Dead Nettle

Looking for a can’t-kill-shrub that could grow in dry shade? The Deadnettle is the perfect plant for you. This unique-looking perennial is one of the most adaptable plant varieties in nature. Dead nettles love moist soil but once they have been established, they can tolerate dry soil.

Dead nettles are also drought tolerant, deer-resistant, and they prevent erosion. They love partial shade and a wide variety of other growing conditions. When dead nettles grow, they develop soft, tumbling foliage and a bed of blooms!


vegetable garden greenhouse
Image by:pixabay

Add a touch of laidback, tropical vibe to your garden by growing Philodendron. Loved for being tough-as-nails, this houseplant is known for its stunning foliage! Philodendron comes in different sizes, shapes, and colors to choose from. But no matter its appearance, Philodendron can tolerate a bit of neglect. It can also survive harsh weather conditions.

This durable plant prefers filtered light although some varieties love the full sun. Generally, Philodendron with colored leaves needs the full sun to get their foliage colors to show.

Philodendrons are most active during the summer season so they will benefit from regular doses of fertilizer. Some varieties could turn leggy so cut off the lanky growths to encourage new shoots to form.

Lamb's Ear

With its fuzzy, silvery-green foliage and silky blooms, Lamb's Ear has such a unique look to it. This standout plant attracts bees and they will be right at home in sensory garden settings! Lamb's Ear is incredibly drought resistant.

This plant is best grown in a spot that gets the full sun but it can also tolerate the shade. Lamb's Ear could also withstand poor soil conditions and repel certain pests. However, this plant hates standing water.

Another thing to keep in mind when growing Lamb's Ear, it’s an invasive plant that will take over the garden if neglected for a long time. Lamb's Ear is a great ground cover although you have to contain the creeping roots if it’s planted in the ground.

Snake Plant

snake plants
Image by:pexels

Snake plant happens to be one of the toughest houseplants around so if you’re looking for an accent plant that’s a cinch to grow, look no further. This houseplant can survive most indoor conditions and cramped spaces.

Its thick, striking, snake-like leaves hold a lot of water so the plant does not require regular watering. Some varieties of snake plant form small rosette leaves while others have tubular blooms that emit a sweet scent.

Snake plants do not require a regular dose of fertilizer. In fact, over-fertilizing could cause its leaves to droop. Snake plants hate standing water too. This plant loves partially shady spots. Some varieties could tolerate the full sun although the color of the leaves won’t be as vivid.

Boston Fern

Best used as an indoor or outdoor accent plant, the Boston fern gives any garden fullness and lushness thanks to its thick, green-blue foliage. Its airy, graceful fronds arch and cascade as the plant grows so the Boston fern is best planted in a hanging planter.

Boston fern is relatively easy to grow. It loves high humid environments that get bright, indirect light. Growing this plant in a shady area may cause the fronds to turn dull. Boston fern loves the warmer climate. It does not do well in the winter so keep in indoors when the cold season hits. Like most ferns, Boston fern loves moist soil.

It’s easy to grow a variety of indoor and outdoor plants as long as the plants could tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. The plants that we have outlined on our list are extremely vigorous so they will thrive even if you are new to gardening.

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