Woman in the garden
ECO gardener

Gardens work wonders for the environment. However, we often forget that keeping one can be damaging as well.

Sustainable gardening makes use of natural resources and minimizes the need for human or man-made interferences. It may seem daunting at first. The good news is there are small steps you can take towards big better impact.

Here are easy sustainable gardening tips you can start practicing right away.

Ditch the Pesticides

Pesticides, herbicides and other chemical gardening tools are the worst. Not only do they cause the decline of insect populations and poor ecosystems. They are also catastrophic additions to air and water pollution.

There are plenty of natural pesticides out there to help your sustainable garden. For example, neem oil is a natural repellant. Moreover, much of the ingredients you will need to create your own pesticide may already be in your garden. Basil, garlic and chilis can help you get started. Using tools like landscape fabrics also help reduce the use for such chemicals.

Plant Local Species

Indigenous plants are much more adaptable. Their species have grown accustomed to your local region, which give them a great advantage against using pesticides. Moreover, these local plants survive without fertilizers and chemical additives to.

You only need to look to your local seed banks and local gardener communities for help. These experts will help you choose what’s best for your garden.

Mother and daughter gardening

Plant with Biodiversity in Mind

Consider your garden not just your haven or a place for your plants to prosper. It can be a refuge to animals and propagating insects too.

Sustainable gardening opens you up to opportunities to co-exist with bees, butterflies, wild birds and the like. Providing them a habitat is a massive addition to ensuring you are doing your part for nature to thrive.

Use Everyday Waste as Compost

Compost enriches your soil, and every seasoned gardener understands that a good soil is already half the battle won.

You may not know it but many of your household items can be use as part of your compost. Some examples are shredded newspaper and kitchen towel, coffee grounds, fallen leaves, dry cat or dog food, fruit peels, cardboard, wine corks and so much more. Having an outdoor compost bin is a great way for continuous composting and provides an eco-friendly gardening solution.


Recycle Items as Tools

Those plastic bottles you have lying around can be used as plant containers or self-watering cans. Other storage items that have just been collecting dust can be redesigned as pots too. Using cardboards between plants can help reduce weed growth.

Recycling and reusing these items as gardening tools make for a more ecofriendly green space.

Plant using recycled can

Invest on Energy-efficient Power Tools

The need for powered gardening tools may be inevitable. The next best thing is to invest on energy-efficient power tools. For one, there are energy-saving lawn mowers that are now available in the market.

While you’re at it, use other gardening design items that are sustainable and eco-friendly. Use LED lights or solar-powered garden lights to illuminate your garden. You can also use sustainable furniture to dress your lawn or yard with.

LED lights

Save Rainwater

Contrary to popular belief, water is a limited resource. Throughout the years, industries and individuals have squandered its consumption. That’s why we need to do what we can to conserve it.

Saving rainwater and using it to hydrate your plants is another step to better sustainable gardening. Simply leave your recycled water containers at the best collecting spot possible.

Remember these sustainable gardening tips as you make the switch to a truly greener space.

Rainwater inside the pail

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