ecogardener gardening tools
ECO gardener

Gardening is not only a rewarding hobby, it’s also good for your physical and mental health. But if you have mobility issues, gardening and other physical activities can be a literal pain in the back.

Most people don’t know that gardening is considered a light to moderate workout. Raking fallen leaves, tilling the soil, weeding, pruning, etc. these are similar to cardio exercises like jogging or brisk walking.

Simply put, gardening for long hours will burn many calories, and you need the right tools to make the activity less straining on the joints. That’s where ergonomic tools come in. What is ergonomic gardening? How are ergonomic gardening tools different from the regular ones? Check out this guide to find out more about gardening ergonomics:

What is Ergonomic Gardening?

mother and daughter doing some gardening stuff on their backyard garden
Image by:pexels

In general terms, ergonomics looks at how a task is done in the safest yet most efficient way while minimizing physical stress on the body. When it comes to gardening, ergonomics are specific to the tools for a particular chore - how the tool is designed to fit the gardener and not the other way around.

You know that you’ve found the right ergonomic garden tools when you don’t have to adapt to the tool. The right tools should have minimal effect on the body. If you’re the one adjusting to the tool just to work comfortably, you’re using the wrong product.

An ergonomic gardening tool is designed to fit the natural curves and movements of the body. Completing a task should be easier because the gardening tool matches the capability of the person doing the task. By matching the tool with the movements, gardening becomes safer and less strenuous.

Ergonomic garden tools reduce the risk of injury, improve a gardener’s work, and increase productivity. Because there is less strain on the back, knees, wrists, arms, and hands, you will cover more ground.

One might think that ergonomic tools are reserved for the aging or those with mobility issues, but these will benefit gardeners of all ages. No one is impervious to strains and sprains caused by gardening. Ergonomic gardening tools must match a gardener’s height, grip, fit, etc. The tool should work with the body, not against it.

What to Look for in Ergonomic Garden Tools

Gardening tasks are often done while standing up, kneeling, and bending over. These factors will come into play when looking for the right gardening tools.

telescopic pruning shears handle
Image by:ecogardener

Ergonomic Handles: Do you do a lot of kneeling while gardening? If the answer is yes, you need to pay close attention to the handles of the gardening tools. The shape and grip of the handles matter when you’re kneeling because you need more hand, wrist, and forearm support. We suggest choosing tools with two-handed grips so you can work more efficiently. Go for garden tools that fit your hand well, are made with weatherproof materials, with non-slip grips.

ecogardener hedge shears
Image by:freepik

Long Handles: Most garden tools have long handles for a reason - the handles cut down on bending and straining. Look for ergonomic garden tools with longer handles to reach tight and high places without needing a ladder, like the ECOgardener telescoping pruner or our regular hedge shears. The long handles let you work comfortably while keeping the back straight, minimizing the risk of repetitive stress injuries.

Weatherproof Design: Your garden tools should be able to keep up with you as you work long hours in the garden. Choose ergonomic gardening tools made with weatherproof materials to extend the life of the tools and work more efficiently in the garden. Buy hand tools that are durable but shaped just right to fit your hands. Go for garden tools with ratcheting gears, swivel grips, or looped handles if you have weak wrists or sensitive fingers because these tools are much easier to hold.

pruning shears
Image by:ecogardener

Proper Grip: hold the ergonomic tool, get a feel of it. Make a circle with your thumb and index finger as you hold it; what is the grip like? Is it comfortable? Do the curves make the tool easy to hold? If the garden tool is too big or too awkward to hold, you might end up dropping it at the most inopportune moment and be injured. If you have arthritis, are not used to gardening, or have sensitive/weak fingers, go for tools with textured grips + wear work gloves to prevent cuts and blisters.

Leverage: When you’re always standing up, you need to consider the leverage that a garden tool gives you as you do yard work. Leverage helps reduce stress on the wrist and arms, especially when reaching a great height. The tools should provide ample muscle and joint support so you can work for long periods without cramps or joint pain.

Look for ergonomic tools with soft silicone handle covers for a firm grip. The materials should be weatherproof and at the correct length for better leverage. Foot safety is also a concern if you’re using tools like shovels, ax, and hoe, while arm safety is important for tools like loppers and pruners.

pruning shears
Image by:ecogardener

Lightweight: Go for an ergonomic gardening tool with the lightest weight yet is sturdy enough to take on the job. Lightweight tools put less pressure on the wrists and arms. These tools also provide better leverage to work safely and minimize muscle/joint pains.

ECOgardener Offers Great Deals for Ergonomic Tools

What to look for when shopping for ergonomic gardening tools? Generally, you want garden tools that enable you to work long hours if you kneel a lot while doing yard work. You should look for garden tools that provide support to reduce muscle and joint pain, allowing you to work more comfortably for longer periods of time.

We understand the importance of ergonomics in gardening; that’s why we’ve introduced a new set of ergonomic garden tools for you! Order yours today and you’ll be amazed at how comfortable and easy gardening can be for the joints and muscles with our ergonomic tools.

ecogardener gardening tools

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