Garden Tools and Equipment for Your Gardening Business
Planning to build a gardening, mowing, or landscaping business? We all love to see people who are transforming their passions into businesses. Of course, you can’t start your gardening business without garden tools. In this guide, let’s dive deep into all the essential garden tools you need to build your gardening business.
There are different gardening-based services you can offer, and the tools you need to invest your money in will depend on what you are offering. Here are some of the essential garden tools you need to start your gardening business:
Long Handle Garden Tools
Shovel: A great tool for gardeners and landscapers, a shovel is a versatile tool used in and around the garden. A shovel has a bowl-shaped blade that tapers into a point. It’s used for digging and moving materials around. Use a shovel to dig holes, transfer plants, spread mulch or gravel, pry up rocks and stumps or break up compacted soil. We suggest getting a shovel made with corrosion-resistant materials like stainless steel + a sturdy, balanced handle.
Spade: A spade is similar to a shovel, but instead of a pointed blade, a spade has a nearly flat blade with a straight edge. This tool is specifically used for moving plants around the garden. The blade is flat to reduce the risk of root damage when moving and transplanting plants. A spade has a shorter handle than a shovel, so it is ideal for tight spaces.
Rake: A rake features a long handle with a toothed bar at the end. The toothed bar is designed to spread and gather materials around or to level the soil. Use a rake to spread, collect, or level soil, mulch, compost, gravel, fallen leaves, and other garden debris. Rakes are often made with steel or hard plastic materials, with the former designed for tough jobs and the latter for lighter jobs.
Hoe: The oldest gardening tool is the hoe. It features a wide blade and is used to toll the soil, remove weeds, cut root systems, and dig holes. A hoe often comes with a short handle, but there are hoes with long handles.
Garden Fork: As the name implies, a garden fork looks like a gigantic fork. It’s designed to break up soil before planting, move materials around, and remove plants without damaging roots. A garden fork is often used to work in fertilizers, manure, and compost around the plants, move hay, and gather large garden debris into a neat pile.
Hedge Shears: Head shears look like a giant pair of scissors with long, narrow blades and short handles. This tool is designed to cut, trim, and prune hedges as well as shape bushes and shrubs into topiaries. Hedge shears are quite versatile; these can be used to cut back ornamental plants, create natural barriers for your outdoor space, and even trim grass around tree trunks.
Telescopic Pruner
A telescopic pruner features sharp blades that quickly and easily remove branches in high and cramped places up to an inch thick. This is an excellent tool for trimming and pruning trees and large bushes as well as a variety of tasks that require cutting thick, gummy overgrowths of any kind. The telescopic handles can be shortened and lengthened according to your needs, allowing you to perform basic pruning without needing a ladder.
Short Handle Garden Tools
Hand Pruner: AKA secateur, a hand pruner is a short-handled pruner that’s used for trimming, pruning, and cutting thin branches, twigs, live and dead growths that are up to 1CM thick. It’s often used for taking cuttings for propagation, transplanting, repotting, and trimming small plants like succulents, bonsai, etc.
Trowel: A basic trowel is a hand tool that lets you dig holes, clean spaces in between plants, uproot plants, and remove old stalks. It’s a great tool to have around if your garden is filled with small plants. You can work the soil without damaging the plant roots with a trowel.
Hand rake: A hand rake is similar to a traditional rake, except it’s smaller with a shorter handle. This tool is designed for precision cleaning in small spaces. Use a hand rake to level the soil, remove garden debris, gather or move materials around as well as uproot weeds without damaging the surrounding plant roots.
Hori-hori: A hori-hori is a type of Japanese garden tool that resembles a short knife. This gardening knife is designed for digging and cutting thick growths. It has a semi-sharp point, enabling you to make small holes in the ground.
Is a gardening business profitable?
The quick answer is yes, gardening can be a profitable business - as long as it is managed properly! Gardening will always be high in demand because things grow, and gardeners are there to keep nature managed and controlled. Managing outdoor spaces take a lot of work, and though garden tools make the job easier, there’s always something to do! Some of the many ways to make money off gardening include:
Sell herbs
Sell organic produce at the farmer’s market
Sell edible and decorative flowers
Sell seeds and seedlings
Sell products made from your garden (fruit smoothies, homemade jams, marmalade, etc)
Sell fresh cut flowers
Sell garden decors
Rent out your garden for parties, camping, social events, etc.
Apart from selling products from your garden, you can also offer mowing and landscaping services.
When it comes to choosing the best gardening tools for your business, go for equipment that’s versatile and built to last. Go for tools with coated metal handles and forged with corrosion-resistant materials. Avoid tools with flimsy handles or thin, metal materials.
Get a feel of the tool if you’re shopping in person and do your research when researching a product online. We offer a host of gardening tools that will complete your kit and benefit your business!