vegetable greenhouse
ECO gardener

Most gardeners dream of having a greenhouse because the benefits are just too good to pass up. However, building a greenhouse can be quite costly, and the structure will require upkeep so that it will last for years.

Is having a greenhouse worth it? What are the benefits of greenhouse gardening? Where should you start if you plan to build a greenhouse at home? In this guide, let’s dive deep into greenhouse gardening.

Benefits of Greenhouse Gardening

vegetable garden greenhouse

Why are many growers dreaming of owning a greenhouse? Here are just some of the many benefits of greenhouse gardening:

Year-round yield: Greenhouse gardening enables gardeners to grow various crops, even crops that do not usually grow in a particular season. This leads to a year-round harvest. You don’t have to wait for spring to start seeds early; you can do it at any season. With a greenhouse, you can produce flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs even in the dead of winter.

Control over the growing environment: A greenhouse lets you control your crops’ growing environment. You can adjust the temperature, humidity, ventilation, light, and watering, providing the ideal growing conditions for different plants to thrive. As a result, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest and grow out-of-season plants – even exotic plants!

Protection from pests and diseases: Because a greenhouse provides a protected, controlled space for plants to grow, controlling pests and diseases is much easier. You have control over the growing conditions of the plants, which decreases the risk of diseases. The enclosed space means pests cannot come in and attack your precious perennials!

Space efficient: Contrary to popular notion, a greenhouse requires no large space. Even those with limited outdoor space can install a greenhouse and grow various plants. Greenhouses come in multiple sizes; some consist of just a few plant shelves. Mini greenhouses will fit small spaces and are ideal for those living in urban areas.

Eco-friendly: Greenhouses are eco-friendly because it doesn’t require much energy to grow different plants. Compared to indoor gardening, greenhouse gardening is more energy-saving. On top of that, you are using fewer pesticides and chemicals in a greenhouse because of the controlled growing environment. With proper care, a greenhouse will last for years, enabling you to save more energy and enjoy the garden’s bounty!

Improved health: Having easy access to organically-grown fruits and vegetables means you and your family are eating clean food. You’re saving a lot of money on organic produce all year long and eating fresh, wholesome foods. What’s more, gardening is known to improve physical and mental health! It alleviates stress, tones the muscles, and increases strength. Through greenhouse gardening, you’re living healthy and eating cleanly.

How to Build a Greenhouse

Are you thinking of building a greenhouse in the yard? You’d be surprised how easy it is to make one! Here are tips to get you started:

Step 1: Plan the garden design

Choose the site where you want to build a greenhouse and determine the size, materials, and design that suits this spot. We suggest opting for a small, simple greenhouse to start because it’s easier to manage, less costly to build, and faster to install. You can do upgrades bit by bit to save money. The site you choose should receive plenty of light to grow different plants. This goes especially if you plan to grow vegetables, flowering plants, and herbs.

Step 2: Gather materials

You can hire a contractor to build a greenhouse, but you can also construct a simple greenhouse yourself using different materials like wood, glass panels, plastic sheets, PVC pipes, aluminum, galvanized steel, etc.

Once you’ve gathered all the materials, it’s just a matter of setting everything up. If you want a greenhouse that will last a long time, you should invest in quality materials. That includes the framework and paneling of the greenhouse as well as the heating system, ventilation system, irrigation system, and planters. Hiring a contractor is ideal if you want a company to handle the materials and installation.

You can also put a raised bed in a greenhouse for more space and improve drainage.

Step 3: Maintain the greenhouse

To avoid costly repairs, you have to maintain the greenhouse on a daily basis. Keep it clean, make minor repairs, and check the structure’s integrity regularly to prevent problems from worsening. Wipe down surfaces, prune your plants regularly, so they don’t poke and damage the greenhouse walls, and keep the floors clean. By cleaning the greenhouse, pests, and diseases won’t take hold of the crops.

You can also join local greenhouse gardening clubs or online communities where you can ask questions and get advice from growers who maintain a greenhouse.

Benefits of Using Greenhouse Clear Plastic Film

vegetable garden greenhouse

Traditionally, glass panels are used in greenhouses, but a popular alternative is clear plastic film. Here are reasons why greenhouse clear plastic film makes a terrific sub for glass panels:

Lightweight: Glass panels are heavy, which means they will require costly structures to set. If you are building a small greenhouse on a budget, you can opt for transparent plastic film. Clear plastic film is lightweight, so it doesn’t require heavy structures to stay in place. Though lightweight, it’s durable and can last years with proper care. Clear plastic film can withstand extreme weather conditions and is resistant to tearing.

Affordable: A traditional greenhouse requires quite the investment in materials. Clear plastic films allow you to create an inexpensive greenhouse. It’s easy to install, affordable, and will last years of service. It’s also widely available to buy rolls of clear plastic film for your greenhouse online or via a physical store.

Flexible: Clear plastic film will suit any greenhouse shape and size. You can cut the film to size and use it to create specific shapes for hoop houses, Quonset huts, and gable-end greenhouses. It can be used in various growing applications apart from being a greenhouse material. For instance, the film can be used in hydroponics and aquaponics.

Effective temperature control: Clear plastic film traps heats, creating an ideal growing environment for most plants. In the colder months, it’s possible to grow plants that typically love sunlight in a greenhouse. The material is also resilient and protective, keeping frost and freezing temps from destroying your precious crops during winter.

Filtered light: Because it’s clear, sunlight passes through the plastic film, which is essential for plant growth. But the film creates filtered light instead of direct sunlight so the plants won’t burn their leaves because of the high heat. With clear plastic, your plants receive only the right amount of light without damaging their foliage.

Pest control: Confined spaces make pest control easier. In a greenhouse, the plants are not exposed to the elements. The barrier is almost impenetrable to insects and nibbling rodents. Because the garden is much easier to maintain, you don’t have to take drastic measures to control pests, like using chemicals to kill pests. This adds to the eco-friendliness of clear plastic sheets.

Greenhouse gardening is not only eco-friendly, but it’s also a great way to maximize the garden. It also improves plant health and gives growers a more profound sense of community. Usually, building a greenhouse will cost a pretty penny, but alternative materials like clear plastic sheets can cut costs without sacrificing all the features that make a greenhouse so beneficial for growers.

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