Spring Garden Bucketlist for Gardeners and Plant Lovers
ECO gardener

As spring arrives, preparing the garden for the upcoming season is crucial to make way for new growths and blossoms. Preparing the garden helps set the stage for a vibrant, healthy outdoor space filled with colorful flowers and thriving plants.

What tasks to add to spring gardening? Spring garden preparation involves clearing away debris, loosening the soil, and ensuring proper hydration for sprouting plants.

Part of the job is to make the most of the sunny days ahead to provide the perfect environment for your plants to flourish. For growers out there, here are some gardening ideas to maximize spring to the fullest:

7 Things You’ll Surely Love in Your Bucket List This Spring Season

It will soon be Spring, after a long Winter. The flowers will bloom and the sun will start to shine. It’s time to consider how you’re going to enjoy this change of season in your garden. Here are some inspirations to get you started in gardening.

Plant Vibrant Flowers

variety flower garden

Embrace spring’s beauty by planting various vibrant flowers in your garden. Choose cheerful blooms to add a burst of color. What plants to grow in a spring garden? Here are some suggestions:

  • Marigolds are easy-to-grow, cheerful flowers that thrive in spring. Plant them in well-drained soil and provide plenty of sunlight. Marigolds are known for their vibrant colors and can be grown from seeds or young plants. They are low-maintenance and add a burst of color to your garden beds or containers.
  • Zinnias are bright and colorful annuals that are perfect for a spring garden. They prefer full sunlight and well-drained soil. Zinnias come in various shapes and sizes, making them a versatile choice. Directly sow the seeds in your garden after the last frost; soon, you’ll be rewarded with gorgeous blooms.
  • Pansies are cool-season flowers that love the mild temperatures of spring. They come in a wide array of colors and feature charming “faces.” Pansies are perfect for both garden beds and containers. Plant them in moist, well-drained soil, and they will bloom early in the season, adding a touch of charm to your spring garden.
  • Sunflowers are iconic and easy to grow, making them an excellent choice for a spring garden. They thrive in full sunlight and well-drained soil. Sunflowers are known for their cheerful appearance and can grow tall, adding a dramatic element to your garden. Directly sow sunflower seeds in the ground after the last frost for a spectacular display.
  • Nasturtiums are edible flowers that are not only easy to grow but also add a peppery flavor to salads. Plant nasturtium seeds in well-drained soil and provide them with sunlight. These low-maintenance flowers are perfect for both garden beds and hanging baskets. Their cascading vines and vibrant blooms make them a delightful addition to any spring garden.

Plant them in well-prepared soil, giving each flower enough space to grow. Amending the soil is important to provide a better environment for the root. Water regularly and watch your garden transform into a lively and colorful haven.

Start an Herb Garden

herb garden

Create a mini herb garden to enhance your culinary adventures. Plant herbs like basil, mint, and chives in pots or designated garden beds.

  • Basil is a fragrant herb that’s easy to grow in a spring garden. Plant basil seeds or seedlings in well-drained soil and provide ample sunlight. Regular pruning encourages bushier growth, and you can enjoy fresh basil leaves for various culinary delights, from pasta sauces to salads.
  • Mint is a resilient herb that thrives in spring. Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil for planting mint. Whether peppermint or spearmint, these herbs are perfect for teas, cocktails, or desserts. Be mindful that mint can spread rapidly, so growing it in containers can help control its growth.
  • Chives are an easy-to-grow herb with a mild onion flavor. Plant chive seeds or young plants in well-drained soil and provide sunlight. Chives are versatile and can add a mild onion taste to salads, soups, or as a garnish. They also produce attractive purple flowers in late spring.
  • Parsley is a cool-season herb that thrives in the spring. Plant parsley seeds or seedlings in rich, well-drained soil with partial sunlight. It’s a versatile herb used in various dishes, and you can harvest both the flat-leaf (Italian) and curly varieties for different culinary applications.
  • Cilantro, also known as coriander when the plant goes to seed, is an easy-to-grow herb for spring. Plant cilantro seeds directly in well-drained soil and provide them with full sunlight or partial shade. Harvest the leaves for fresh flavor in salsa, salads, and Asian cuisines. Allow some plants to go to seed, and you’ll have coriander spice for your spice rack.

These five herbs are not only beginner-friendly but also versatile in the kitchen, making them perfect choices for a spring garden. As long as these herbs receive adequate sunlight and water, the garden will thrive.

Grow Fresh Vegetables

Go on, make a list of your favorite veggies, and start growing them in the garden! There’s nothing quite like harvesting your own fresh vegetables for a healthy and rewarding dining experience. For beginners, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers are great veggies to start. We also recommend these vegetables for spring planting:

  • Radishes are quick and easy to grow, making them an ideal choice for a spring garden. Plant radish seeds directly in well-drained soil and provide ample sunlight. Radishes are known for their crisp texture and peppery flavor. They mature rapidly, usually within a few weeks, allowing you to enjoy an early harvest.
  • Lettuce is a cool-season vegetable that thrives in the spring. Plant lettuce seeds in well-drained soil and provide partial sunlight. There are various types of lettuce, including leafy greens and head lettuce. Harvest the leaves for fresh salads, sandwiches, or wraps as the plants mature.
  • Spinach is a nutrient-rich leafy green that’s easy to grow in spring. Plant spinach seeds in well-drained soil with partial sunlight. Harvest young leaves for salads or wait for full maturity to use in cooked dishes. Spinach is known for its versatility and is a great addition to any vegetable garden.
  • Carrots are root vegetables that can be successfully grown in a spring garden. Plant carrot seeds in loose, well-drained soil and ensure they receive full sunlight. Carrots come in various colors and sizes, perfect for snacking, cooking, or adding to salads. Harvest them when they reach the desired size.
  • Peas are a classic spring vegetable that’s easy to grow. Plant pea seeds in well-drained soil with full sunlight. Peas are climbers, so providing support such as a trellis is beneficial. Harvest the sweet, crisp pods when they are plump, and enjoy them fresh or lightly cooked. Peas are not only delicious but also enrich the soil with nitrogen.

Prepare the soil, provide support for climbing plants, and water consistently. Consider companion planting to deter pests and diseases without using chemicals.

Welcome Butterflies and Bees

bee on lavender flower

Pollinators contribute to a healthier ecosystem. That’s why creating a welcoming space for pollinators like butterflies and bees is a must. These friendly garden critters add life to your outdoor space and play a crucial role in pollination.

To attract butterflies and bees to your spring garden, grow nectar-rich flowers such as lavender, butterfly bush, or coneflowers.

Ensure your garden gets plenty of sunlight, as butterflies and bees love sunny spots. Avoid using harmful pesticides that can harm these essential visitors. Get rid of their natural predators so pollinators will stay in your garden.

Provide a shallow water source, like a small birdbath or dish, for them to sip on. Outdoor decor like a water feature, mini waterfall, containers for sugar water, and building nesting areas could also attract pollinators into your spring garden.

Maintain The Lawn

A well-maintained lawn enhances curb appeal and provides a comfortable space for outdoor activities and relaxation. Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your grass, ensuring a lush and green carpet. These simple steps, combined with debris removal, provide a vibrant, well-maintained lawn for outdoor enjoyment.

  • Give your lawn some love by mowing the grass, fertilizing, and aerating the soil. Remove any debris, and consider overseeding if needed.
  • Water your lawn deeply but less often, encouraging the roots to grow stronger.
  • Apply organic fertilizer in spring and fall to provide essential nutrients.
  • Aerate the soil by poking small holes to enhance air circulation and water absorption.
  • Overseed to fill in bare patches and keep your lawn thick and green. Control weeds by pulling them or using a pet-friendly weed killer.
  • Consider dethatching to remove built-up organic debris, allowing your lawn to breathe.

Create a Relaxing Outdoor Space

Design a tranquil corner in your garden for relaxation. Add comfortable seating, perhaps a bench or some cozy chairs, surrounded by fragrant flowers or potted plants. This cozy nook becomes your personal retreat, offering a peaceful space to unwind, read a book, or soak in the beauty of your blooming garden.

Experiment with Container Gardening

potted vertical plants

Give container gardening a try! Start by planting flowers or herbs in pots or containers. This is an excellent option for those with limited space or those who want to add a decorative touch to patios and balconies.

To maintain a healthy container garden, try these tips:

  • Choose the right-sized containers with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
  • Use high-quality potting soil for good aeration and water drainage.
  • Water your plants consistently, but be mindful not to overwater – feel the soil to check moisture levels.
  • Place the containers in locations that match the sunlight preferences of your plants. Fertilize regularly with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.
  • Prune and deadhead plants to encourage continuous growth and flowering.
  • Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, addressing them promptly.
  • Rotate the containers occasionally to ensure even sunlight exposure.

Spring Gardening with ECOgardener

Spring brings a wealth of opportunities for gardeners and plant lovers to transform their outdoor spaces into flourishing havens. With simple steps and a bit of care, your garden can become a vibrant and rewarding sanctuary for both you and your family.

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