peace lily garden
ECO gardener

Belonging to a family of flowering plants, Peace Lily is a sturdy, easy-to-grow plant characterized by oval leaves and white oblong flowers. These plants are native to South and Central America, known to thrive in low-maintenance conditions.

Some of the main reasons people grow peace lilies include air purification and ease of upkeep. According to Gardeners’ World, peace lilies love a tropical environment and tend to dislike cold draughts.

While they can be grown well easily, sometimes people face issues like droopy leaves, browning tips, and soft dark spots. Is your peace lily showing signs of fast-approaching death? Thankfully, there are ways to revive its life.

How To Save Dying Peace Lily Plant?

peace lily

Are you struggling with a droopy or yellowing peace lily? Don’t give up on your plant just yet! In this article, we will discuss three important tips to get your plant thriving again.

Remove Dead Leaves

Although recognized for its rich green-colored leaves, peace lily can begin to turn yellow. If you notice that the lower leaves are displaying Fall colors, it’s likely due to natural aging.

Such leaves will turn yellow and shed off as new growth emerges. If leaves high up on the plant are also turning yellow, your plant needs to be pruned.

In other words, you must remove any yellow or brown leaves by cutting them off at the base of the stem. Now, why do leaves turn yellow? According to the Mississippi State University Extension, yellowing may occur for various reasons, including –

  • Shading or natural aging
  • Fungus or other disease
  • Low levels of potassium or nitrogen
  • Low levels of magnesium, particularly if the yellowing is interveinal

It is extremely important to remove the yellow leaves because most of their chlorophyll content is lost. This means such leaves will not be able to photosynthesize any longer. The plant will only waste its nutrients trying to maintain them.

Yellow leaves also detract from the appearance of the peace lily plant. If the leaves are a result of disease or stress, the problem will spread to other parts of the plant soon enough.

By pruning the plant regularly, you can help it conserve nutrients and focus on growth. Remember to only remove fully yellow leaves.

Feed the Plant Nutrients

Peace lily plants are known to be low-maintenance. Like any other houseplant, they do require nutrients and fertilizing, but they’re not heavy feeders.

The frequency of fertilization usually depends on the amount of light the plant receives. Under high-light conditions, fertilization may be needed once every six weeks. However, this number may drop to just once or twice a year under low-light conditions.

Now, droopy or yellow leaves may indicate a lack of nutrients. You can then feed your peace lily nutrients but do so carefully. For instance, some amateur gardeners believe diluted milk or even baby formula would help peace lilies grow better.

The composition of milk and formulas does contain protein and calcium that the plant may benefit from. Some people may have experienced good results but we would recommend sticking to a balanced and dedicated plant fertilizer.

A lot of milk produced today is adulterated and baby formulas are not even safe for those they are designed for. Companies like Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson manufacture popular baby formulas like Similac and Enfamil, respectively. In recent years, their products have harmed infants, especially those who are premature and with a low birth weight.

Babies have developed a serious gastrointestinal condition called Necrotizing Enterocolitis or NEC. The Cleveland Clinic states that the intestinal tissue gets inflamed and dies off. A perforation forms which allows bacteria to leak into the abdomen.

Parents of injured infants have had to file an NEC baby formula lawsuit to get justice. Formula manufacturers were aware of the risks involved but failed to issue any public warnings.

According to TorHoerman Law, over 600 cases have been filed to date. This litigation is expected to grow further as attorneys are still accepting case filings. The steady numbers reflect the concerns regarding baby formula products.

Some people think such formulas are safe for their plants because they seemingly have every nutrient their plants need. As for your peace lily, we would not recommend it simply because it’s not designed for plants.

Fertilization may lead to other problems like nutrient imbalance. Also, the high sugar content in baby formula may attract pests that would neutralize any benefits.

What about other kitchen waste? You can use that for fertilization provided you compost the waste first to create a nutrient-rich soil amendment. In any case, you won’t go wrong with a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer in a balanced ratio.

Give it More Sunshine

peace lily

Sometimes, peace lily leaves begin to droop because sunshine has been in short supply. This point is most relevant for the cooler months. In general, peace lilies do not enjoy too much sunlight, especially if it is direct.

These plants thrive under bright, indirect light conditions. They do enjoy warmer temperatures when compared to other houseplants. Winters can be a difficult period for these plants.

To meet their light and temperature needs, you can find a sunny spot. Just keep in mind that do not expose the plant to harsh, afternoon sun. Mild morning rays are the best to help revive leaves and encourage flowering.

East or northwards are the best directions from a sunshine viewpoint. Peace lilies are pretty hardy in the sense that they can grow even under overhead artificial light conditions.

However, you need to keep the plant in a room where such lighting is on for several hours a day. Furthermore, a need for humid environments is also hardwired in these plants. They bask in moisture like a diva, so check if that is available.

If the air is too dry, you can position the plant next to a tray of pebbles in a shallow layer of water. Just remember to mist the leaves regularly.

Bringing Your Peace Lily Back to Life

We hope to have helped you bring your peace lilies back to life. Another great thing about this plant is that you can own as many as you like.

It all depends on the available space and your care capabilities. The indoor plant market is exhibiting a steady growth of 7% till 2031.Now, some people believe that peace lilies can live for at most five years. In truth, these plants can grow and survive for decades, provided they receive proper care, nutrition, and pruning. So, what changes are you planning to make to your peace lily care regime?

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